Local Makeup Artist Brings Experience To G-20
By: Jessica Woiner, WPXI.com
PITTSBURGH -- This month’s G-20 Summit promises to provide politics, protests and plenty of paparazzi.
But, who will keep global dignitaries and international reporters looking their best?
Pittsburgh freelance makeup artist, Patty Bell.
Bell, a 20 year TV and film makeup veteran, was contacted by German News Network ARD to provide make up for its news anchors.
“My other concern was that I am working for a German TV station, so would there be a language barrier?” pondered Bell. “But all of the anchors speak English and German.”
Bell said she has worked in tight security situations before, having many of her makeup kits searched, but she found getting credentials for working the G-20 an arduous task.
“I basically had to give my life away to work on this G-20,” she said.
But security and communication are not Bell’s biggest issues with the freelance gig.
“My biggest concern is getting there,” Bell said. “I am thinking I will allow myself an hour to get there, and I only live seven minutes from Downtown Pittsburgh.”
Although Bell’s transportation concerns are uncertain, her job once she enters the convention is clear.
The German news station sill set up two rooms to occupy their anchor desk.
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